The Global Online Video Games Market to Reach Nearly One Trillion Dollars in 2016


It is the time of year where families gather, we all eat too much, and there are gifts and toys overflowing. Throughout the world, we all relax and indulge ourselves, including our children. It is also the time of year where young people receive cell phones, iPads, Xbox, PS4 and other video games. Most of us have no comprehension of what is in the game when we purchase them. But, our kids are begging and pleading and assuring us that “everyone” but them has this latest technology and “they don’t want to be left out.” And so, we capitulate and pray that our child(ren) will be an exception to the rule, use good judgement and be safe while using this technology.

This week on Exploited – Crimes Against Humanity, Million Kids will explore how predators use online gaming and chat rooms to access, groom, recruit and exploit our young people. We will examine the impact of animated sex (soon to be virtual reality sex) and violence, the occult, and  sorcery. We will look at the Tetris Effect as a player is obsessed with score-keeping and performance. And, we will look at the need of the player to be “part of the team” — rising and falling with acceptance and rejection based on his or her performance in the game and support of the team. We will also look at the addiction process of a fantasy world.

Join us Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 7a.m. PST on VOICE AMERICA – Variety Channel as we take an inside look at the phenomena of online video gaming and how to use technology to build a dialogue and keep your child safe from predators. And, we will look at resources for parents if their child is headed for trouble.


Like Million Kids on Facebook to get involved so we can say together, “NEVER AGAIN SHOULD A CHILD BE VIOLATED!”

If you missed the live show, you can listen to the archived show at

You can also find us on iTunes at Exploited – Crimes Against Humanity



Support Million Kids by taking a test drive in a BMW!

Once again we are excited to announce that our generous friends at BMW of Riverside are donating $20 for each test drive between December 16, 2016 through January 3, 2017!

Thinking of surprising someone with a new car this holiday season? This could be your opportunity to get the car of your dreams while helping us keep kids safe from predators!!

EXPLOITED: Crimes Against Humanity,” airs Thursdays at 7:00 a.m. Pacific Time on Voice America – Variety Channel. Click HERE to download the mobile app or to link via your computer to listen.

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